Fri 10 September 2021 in articles by Regalis
Hello world
I'm happy to publish my new blog. This is my second approach to finding my place in the wide world of the Web. This page is intended to be a collection of interesting articles which will not only allow you to discover new things, but also gently introduce you to the details of GNU/Linux operating system, programming, security and electronics.
Base on the conclusions from the previous blog - this time the articles will be published in smaller parts, divided into series. Each series will consist of several articles which together will present a complete solution to a certain problem.
What to expect
- Fundamentals of the binary numeral system - why is it absolutely mandatory for every programmer to understand binary numeral system - a detailed explanation supported by many examples.
- The power of KISS principle - a world in which the user only needs to know the basics to have enormous, almost unlimited possibilities. Introduction to file descriptors, streams and pipes.
- The world after the encryption ban was introduced - how to keep privacy and security using clever techniques? Step by step tutorial on how to use KISS principle and modern C++ programming language (without any external libraries) to write an ultimate solution.
- Meson build system - an elegant way to build and test your C++ projects.
The order in which articles will be published may be subject to change.